
Thursday 14 June 2012

School Facing Digital Revoulution


As shown by Descartes and the great national debate on the School organized some ten years ago by Claude Thélot, who had collected no less than 50,000 contributions, "  common sense is, with opinions on the school, the best thing in the world shared  . "
Behalf of their respective visions of the school, many ministers of Education have themselves ceased, for 30 years, to shake Education.
For one, the key is in learning to read. For another, it is the individual support. For a third, this is the motivation of teachers, the number of students per class, the pace of school or even the amount of fat available on the mammoth.
Anything goes, so. But what is the common point between these different "visions"? Is that true or false, they are unfounded. They are not based on scientific facts but on a priori prejudices, as the term used by Descartes.
"  Considering how many there may be various opinions regarding the same matter, which are supported by learned people, but there can never be more than one that is true, I réputais almost everything wrong for n 'that was likely  . "
"  Therefore , Descartes said, speaking to our ministers with almost 400 years early, I can not approve any such messy and restless moods, which, being called neither by birth nor by fortune in the use public affairs, do not leave it to always some new idea reformation  . "
The experimental method invented by Descartes in the Discourse on Method is not a scientific theory, but a way to decide between the theories (by experience) and to advance in scientific discovery (by dividing a problem appearance in several complex problems simpler).
From Descartes, scientific progress is continuous regardless of the pace of discovery. Even the recognition that an idea is false is often a useful step. So if I take the case of the digital equipment of schools, there is no serious study on the benefits that students may withdraw from this equipment.Is, therefore, this equipment is unnecessary, in which case the budget can be made available for other investments more attractive, whether it is useful and it is then important to say why it is useful to identify its context of use, usage optimal material where it should be used, etc..
Until now, the method described by Descartes remained virtually unenforceable in teaching for two main reasons:
The complexity of validation of the theory   : the opposite of the hard sciences where experiments were often able to quickly determine the validity of a theory, validate a theory on the teaching evaluations it has until now heavy, expensive, time and complex. Consequently, these assessments can not be made ​​in small numbers and could not really influence policy statement, the duration of the evaluation is generally much greater than the longevity of the Minister.
The vagueness of the criteria   : where, in the exact sciences, the criteria are measurable and usually accessible to experiment, to observe the data are complex to define in the case of education.How to judge with certainty the level of a student? the quality of a teacher? In a method? These terms have they same meaning? And if we can provide an initial response - a response or imperfect - to the previous questions, how to quantitatively observe that "the child is good about yourself at school," allowing it "to express his creativity ", as advocated by some currents?
But it turns out that two recent scientific developments will allow to apply the experimental method in school.
Although intimately related to the ongoing digital revolution, they have never, to my knowledge, been linked. The progress they make it possible to consider are immense. School pedagogy, almost static since the days of Aristotle, who simultaneously invented the lecture, small classes and resource materials, will be able to follow a path of continuous improvement, continuous and observable, comparable to that science has followed Since writing the Discourse on Method.
The first is the random method of assessment developed by a French researcher, Esther Duflo.
The second is the advent of "big data" ie the possibility of using large datasets of information collected on students. These data are now exclusively used for publicity purposes by companies such as Google or Facebook. But they can also be used decisively to improve teaching.
The evaluation method random
The random method is based on assessments made on small groups (a few hundred students) whose characteristics are identical to begin with. One of these small groups adopt a "new process" (eg it will use a method of reading a promising new). Then compared, on specified criteria, the performance of these groups (reading speed, comprehension, etc..).
In recent years, Esther Duflo, random method was used to evaluate the effects of policies against poverty with remarkable results. The techniques it has developed can be applied to school.
With means very low, the random method gave, in India, more information on the uses of digital technology in all developed countries.
When comparing schools with computer with others, we find that students do better in the first. But is it really due to computers? The difference in results can not be explained does not rather by the fact that it is usually in urban schools, already relatively advantaged, which are equipped with computers?
An experiment to isolate the real impact of computers. In an Indian city, all schools were equipped, but generally, they stayed in their box, because teachers were not trained or do not have the appropriate software. We selected a group of schools randomly and have made available a software trainer and mathematics, so that all children benefited from a few hours a week of computing. A year later, we compared the performance. Schools that had been collected using computers better results in mathematics.
Many experiments can be conducted in the field of education, to test the impact of various factors high. One study for example showed that hiring a person in charge of tutoring has an impact equivalent to the purchase of computers, while being much cheaper . "
Current assessment processes are cumbersome, costly, time consuming and can not influence education policy. By replacing, or supplementing, by a large number of micro-randomized evaluations inexpensive, quick to make, well targeted and methodically determined, we can have a remarkably effective tool, to obtain the first results in few months, to influence policies and spending more public money.
With appropriate assessment tools, school can become a process of "optimized under constraints."As the process of evolution is constantly improving the performance of living beings, all initiatives can be evaluated, and selected the best and widespread.
The key to success of this policy guide is the speed of execution (of the order of weeks) and the amount of assessments in place - to borrow a term used in computing, in agility.
This process could be established by the Assessment Division of Education, under the control potential of a large body of Digital, consisting primarily of engineers on the model of a Mining or Bridges and would aim to complete the digital reform in the French administration and school.
The use of "Big Data"
While for now the main digital applications used in schools refers to those uses, the assessment in schools is, in my opinion, the most important and least understood of the ongoing digital revolution.
In the last decade, computers, interactive whiteboards, digital workspaces or other digital binders have returned to school, without really knowing, moreover, in the absence of any method, what is their impact on the level of students. Moreover, these technologies are designed to improve learning almost unique and not to evaluate it.
But from the moment you gather enough data (known here in petabytes, that is to say, one million gigabytes), statistics helps to identify the "laws" general causes. In a polemical article, but founder, entitled "The End of theories: the deluge of data makes the scientific method obsolete", Chris Anderson has shown how these data can be used not only to conquer advertising markets, as did Google but perhaps also to get rid of that was previously the aim of all science, namely the model (usually called "scientific theory").
Google does not attempt to model the behavior of users or to "understand" the content of Web pages, but uses statistical tools to draw correlations (patterns) from which advertising banners are proposed. No model, the correlation is sufficient.
What relationship with the school?
Current assessments established by the National Education are resented because exceptional, complex and cumbersome and generate very little data, in quantity, compared to data capture mechanisms set up by Google or Facebook, which are them voluntarily - and often wildly - used by students from their computer, digital tablet or mobile phone.
It is time to use these data in a general interest objective and integrate these technologies massively in education, as a minimum to evaluate students.
In the context of randomized evaluations  that I have already mentioned, these devices make digital mobile student assessment and school policies much more quickly, easily and economically to the point that it becomes possible today, by multiplying the micro-assessments, to really run the whole school policy.
Then , the use of these materials must be systematized in order to obtain as much data to evaluate students and to collect these data evaluation. To the extent reasonable, most evaluations, assignments, questionnaires should be requested for students in digital form, in a format allowing statistical tools of "big data" being used.
Tools for querying students digitally (eg in the form of multiple choice questions) already exist but are hardly used in higher education, and piecemeal. From the moment the volume of data is sufficient, where they are consistently implemented throughout schools, these tools will not only determine the actual level of students with a depth much greater than the current testing techniques, but also determine amounts of educational laws, or rather, correlations, and new non-contestable.
It should be noted, because the objection will obviously be made, that "Big data" is not necessarily "big brother". All this data is personal but can - and probably most should - remain anonymous. The question of the identity of the student who answered matter to the statistical tool, what is important is to know all its data on its entire school career.
It will become possible to identify the "best teachers" (those who make the most progress the average level of their students and not those, probably starting with the best students, the best performers bachelor's degree) and s' learn from their methods to train other teachers. The phrase "good teacher" is perhaps not a big meaning in absolute terms, but it is possible also to determine, through correlation, what is the teacher who best fits a student determined, what is the students who learn better by reading than listening, what is the one who is able to enjoy the more personalized support ...
In short, the "big data" will give us very valuable information to improve teachers, students, teaching methods, referral mechanisms, etc.. It is impossible at present to predict how big will this progress.
It is just possible to predict the country to gain the most advantage of the digital revolution will be the one best able to use these new tools for data capture and evaluation for, says Descartes:
"  Those who walk very slowly can proceed much further, they always follow the right path, as do those who run away from it  "
This is a new age of the school opens.

How To Make Your Computer Work Faster


If you want a faster computer and get rid of these problems and slow system 32 errors and restarts, you need to fix registry errors with a registry cleaner and keep the registry current.  Why do we need a hand cleaner register?  A registry cleaner is a program that removes invalid registry keys, as the old entries, fragmented entries, embedded keys, and so on. These registry keys are useless and you can still run the computer, but they will make the system slower and problems frequently arise with such errors in the registry. By cleaning these keys The software keeps lerreur free registry and ensuring optimum performance of the computer.  How to choose a registry cleaner for Windows?  There are so many of options for you to choose registry cleaners on the Internet and what you need to do is to get the best dentre them. Here are some suggestions for you to choose a good cleaning.  * You must download the registry cleaner for Windows, this means that for the Windows version you use.For example, if you use Windows XP as operating system, you must download a program that is designed specifically for Windows XP and you can get the maximum davantages software.  * You must still download a registry cleaning tool that allows you to scan the registry manually and lannexe comes with the scan function. It will déconomiser your time and make THE USE the software much easier.  * The software should have the ability to save and restore the registry that can be dun great help in case there IS A problem after the registry change.
How to get the best registry cleaner software free?  Are You never run out of choices when it sagit registry cleaner. There are so many sites offering registry cleaning tools and some of these cases are available for free download. All you have to do is to select the best free registry cleaner and download it for you. There are some sites that offer trial version of the software, if you download, you must purchase the software later to get the utility will complete after the period ended Dessai. Therefore, it is best dobtenir the full version. Before the decision, you should read carefully the specifications mentioned by the seller on the site.  Author is a technical director and Lexpert in the area of computer security and performance damélioration software like Registry Cleaner, Anti Spyware and Anti Spam Filter . Visit our home page or to Resource Center for more information on products.
Sunday 27 May 2012

Control your REM dreaming with Remee


For those of you who haven’t seenWaking Life, lucid dreaming is the ability to remain aware during the heavier REM sleep stages and exert a measure of control over dreams. Some people are able to do this naturally, but it is (at least theoretically) possible for anyone to train their mind to have some control over their dreams. Enter Remee, the sleep mask with an embedded Atmega168 processor and six programmable red LEDs. The device, which recently showed up on Kickstarter after 10 years of development by Duncan Frazier and Steve McGuigan. It was a huge success for the duo, bringing in $572,891 pledges — much more than their goal of $35,000.
The Remee mask is designed to be customizable while being as lightweight as possible. It closely resembles a traditional sleep mask, but it comes with several hardware additions. On the front, it has two light sensors that allow the Atmega168 processor to be programmed by holding the mask up to a computer screen (with the Remee settings website loaded). On the back, it has three red LEDs per eye, which is where the magic happens.
Waking LifeOne of the biggest hurdles to lucid dreaming is being able to consciously realize that you are in a dream. What Remee does is activate its red lights in programmable patterns once it detects that you are in REM sleep. The light is not bright enough to wake you up, but just enough to pass through your eyelids and cause visual anomalies in your dreams. Then, during your dreaming, by noticing the anomalies in the distance, you can become aware that you are dreaming. After that, like Neo in The Matrix, can then exert control over the world that only exists in your mind.
True lucid dreaming will still take training and practice, but the Remee mask is a good tool to allow you to break through the veil and become aware during your dreams. It was a very successful Kickstater, but many likely still question whether or not the device is legit. Without having one in hand, I cannot say for sure, but I can vouch for lucid dreaming itself. Everyone’s mind is different, but it is a least plausible that the device could help someone become aware during their dreams.
Friday 11 May 2012

Adsense Layout Strategy To Get More Clicks

The number of clicks you get on your ads greatly depends on the way you layout your ads. Especially AdSense like content related advertisement programs will help you bring more revenues if you place your ads applying more thought.

Most of the people who hosts their blogs on blogspot platform, the prime traffic driver would be Google search and Yahoo Search. Most cases the link referred by a search engine would be pointing to a single blog post or article. And the link referred by most of the site referral or link exchange or blog roll would be to your blog home page. So we have to apply different ads layout strategy for your individual blog post or article page and for your blog home page.

Ads layout for individual blog article page: As the individual blog article page referred by search engines and RSS feed readers will drive users directly to your blog article, is only because of the referred content. In this case it is must that the ads should be adjacent or within the article content.
  • You can put your AdSense code soon after the blog article heading and before the starting of the content.
  • Also you can put one more AdSense code soon after the content got over.
Preferably, you can use the square ads in above two places. And in order to selectively place your ads in the above two locations, only for individual blog article you have to make use of the <ItemPage> and </ItemPage>tags around your AdSense code. This will make sure that the ads will be showed only for individual blog article page.

I feel text ads would bring more clicks compared to the image and video ads in this place. See the image below to have a clear picture on ads placement.

Ads layout for home page: You are aware that, link promotions, site referrals and your frequent blog readers would directly come to your home page.
  • In order to serve ads for home page its always better to have long horizontal banner ad on top of the blog, this would attract the attention of user when he enters the blog and while closing the page.
  • One more point you have to consider is that most of the internet users in this world are right-handed people, so they use to keep their mouse pointer on the right side of the while they are reading the articles. So it is always better to have a large vertical banner on the right side.
This can be selectively achieved by placing your ads between the<MainOrArchivePage> and </MainOrArchivePage> tags in the blogger old template. In this place also I feel text ads would bring more clicks compared to the image and video ads.This particular ad placement is evident from the ad layout in the Google search result.

Ads layout common to home page and individual page: Try to keep a large vertical banner on the right side and a long horizontal banner on top. Text ads would be preferred if you have more content oriented articles and image and video ads would be preferred where your blog niche is about offers, vehicles, gifts, real estates, FMCG and electronic goods.

If you find any better ad placement strategy, please feel free to share with us.

How To Access And Control Desktop via Mobile

Have you ever dreamed of accessing and controlling your Desktop remotely with your Mobile?.
Now WebEx is here to materialize your dream. You can use WebEx PCNow 3.0 to access your
PC from any mobile device or PC from anywhere!!!. This comes with a very nominal fee per month.

But you can see that its features outweigh its fee.

I am sure you can experience the thrill of following features:
  • Remote Desktop Control - You can access your PCs using a standard web browser, and work as if you were sitting right there.
  • Mobile Access to Your Files and Folders - You can access files, photos, and documents stored on your remote computer from any mobile phone. Quickly share documents and pictures on the go.
  • Mobile Organizer - Access your Outlook email, calendar and contacts from your mobile phone. Reply to emails, create appointments and quickly retrieve contact information when you need it.
  • Mobile Skype™ - You can call or chat with Skype contacts even on mobile devices that are not supported by Skype mobile client.
  • Mobile Search - If you have Google, Yahoo, Windows, or X1 desktop search installed on your computer, you can search your desktop from any mobile phone.
  • Mobile Online Storage - 100MBs of free online storage allows you to automatically store important files and access them even when your computer is off-line.
  • Copy and Paste - Copy and paste text between computers , simply and easily.
  • Remote Printing - Print any document on your remote computer to a local printer. Instantly obtain a hard copy of any document living on your remote computer.
  • File Transfer - Transfer files to and from your remote computer. If you travel and forget to bring a document, easily access your computer and transfer the file to your local computer.
  • Security - It uses 128 Bit SSL so that all data transferred during a remote access session, from end to end, is totally secure and private.
  • Remote Screen Blanking & Keyboard Locking - This prevents anyone at the remote location from tampering with your computer during a session. Your privacy and your remote access session are protected.
  • Phone Authentication - This is a unique option that triggers a phone call from the network, requiring that an access code be entered via the phone's keypad to obtain access to the remote computer.
  • Usage Activity Reports - You can view detailed records of your remote access sessions.

How To Browse Blocked Websites In School


Favorite sites Facebook, Gmail, YouTube,or Yahoo are blocked at your school, college or at your work place, then you would rely mainly on web proxies.

The proxy sites not only allow you to unblock the blocked websites at your school, college and at work place, but also help you to browse anonymous on non blocked websites.
It would would be always better to use SSL based proxies. Also, use https browsing for your GMail, YouTube or Facebook if you access  them through proxies. This would prevent your GMail or Facebook account password get stolen.
SSL proxies which I had tried are,
There are many sites that offer web proxy service for free. But there is a chance that even the proxy sites may get blocked if the network administrator notices your activity. Then you may have to ponder new proxies, may be once in few days!. I found one interesting site which lists some new random proxy sites. So you can rely on a new proxy site, even if existing proxy site is blocked.
Add the list of other proxy sites in comments, if you have tried and found them useful.

Adsense Reporting Extension For Google Chrome


AdSense reporting statistics for publishers can be easily accessed from your favorite web browser, Google Chrome.
Google AdSense team has launched a very useful Google Chrome extension for viewing the AdSense report instantly from Chrome web browser, the AdSense Publisher Toolbar.
Install the AdSense reporting extension for Chrome to get instant details about publishers AdSense earnings.
The AdSense Publisher Toolbar gives AdSense publishers two easy ways to access real-time information about their accounts and the ads served on their websites.
The extension popup view lets you find the following details at a glance:
. Account earnings summary (today, yesterday, this month, last month)
. Top 5 custom channels
. Top 5 URL channels
. Lifetime revenue
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