
Wednesday 9 May 2012

How To Play Windows 8 In VirtualBox

It was expected from the point Microsoft announced the latest addition of Windows 8 to its ever popular line of Windows operating systems, that this would be perhaps the most anticipated product Microsoft has had to offer Windows enthusiasts all over the world (up till the time leading up to its final release). And in further building up the hype Microsoft, as a lot of you might already be familiar with, has also released two beta versions of the new operating system namely Windows 8 Developer Preview and Windows 8 Consumer Preview.
Now, considering Windows 8 Consumer Preview in being just a month old since its release, a lot of you might want to try out the same on your computers. And if so, well, you are in the right place. Microsoft first suggests you download a free copy of the Consumer Preview version (as an ISO file) from its official website. And then after, proceed with the guide it has formulated below for a successful Windows 8 installation on your computer.
Installing Windows 8 using VirtualBox
  1. Download “Oracle VirtualBox” and then install the same by clicking on its “.exe” file.
  2. Once the installation completes, open the folder for Oracle VM VirtualBox by getting on Windows “Start” menu then “Programs” and click on the software’s shortcut icon.
  3. Select “New” from the program’s toolbar and then proceed with the on-screen instructions in creating a new Virtual Machine.
  4. Type in “Windows 8” as the name for your new virtual machine and set aside a reasonable amount of your system memory for Windows 8 installation.
  5. Now choose to create a new virtual disk by first selecting “VDI” as file type. You can either set the virtual disk to expand dynamically in size or choose a fixed disk size.
NOTE: If you opt for a fixed disk, 20 GB is the minimum. But if you plan to install apps, set it to 30 GB or higher.
Next up, after your virtual disk has been successfully created, the team then suggests you click on your system “Start” button and power it on.

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