
Wednesday 9 May 2012

Windows 8 Installation Instructions

Microsoft’s new Windows 8 operating system is still in its production phase and will take a few months more before it finally hits the market. However, this hasn’t stopped the good people working at Microsoft from releasing beta previews of the same operating system to get users like us, familiar with a lot of features and additions that Microsoft plans on introducing with Windows 8. Now in getting back to our article and the task at hand, many of you may have gone ahead with Windows 8 installation for your machines. And to repeat what we’ve already gone through, all of the Metro style App previews that are included with the latest Windows 8 Consumer Preview have been designed basically as showcases so that you can see how they work. And as such, this provides us with an irritating issue with the apps themselves still installed and in place cluttering up your system even after you have already removed their tiles from the Start screen.
The solution to this?
Simply uninstall the ones you do not need following easy Windows 8 installation (or in this case, uninstallation) steps in getting rid of the apps. Here is how.
Getting rid of unwanted apps
Begin by right clicking anywhere on an empty space on the Start Screen followed by selecting “All Apps” from the App bar. This should display you with a full list of all the apps available on your computer.
Understand that the group to your left shows Metro style apps as well as easy shortcuts you may have added to the Start Screen while the group to your right shows Windows desktop programs that you may have installed, as well as Windows Accessories and related system tools.
Now to uninstall a Metro style program, simply right click on its entry and select uninstall in the App bar. Here are a few rules you need to note:
Windows 8 Installation
removing unwanted Apps
  • Metro style apps are stored on a per-user basis. If you uninstall an App Preview, it remains available for other user accounts.
  • Some app tiles can’t be uninstalled or removed from this screen. In the Windows 8 Customer Preview, this list includes Internet Explorer, Remote Desktop, Windows Defender, and the Store tile.
  • The Mail, Calendar, Messaging, and People apps are part of a single package. If you uninstall one, you will uninstall the entire package. You can’t keep the People app and get rid of Calendar.
Once you are done, simply tap the Start key and return to your Start screen.

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