
Friday 11 May 2012

How To Comment On Webpage Captured Photo In Facebook


It is simple to capture full length screenshot of a web page with an online service, that would help you share it with your colleagues and friends.
You can capture the screenshot in your desktop with Print Screen key and then pasting  with Paint  or Image Editing software. Its is very difficult to get a complete full length screenshot in this case. Also, its very difficult to add inline comments in the captured image for sharing with your friends and colleagues.
The complexities involved in sharing webpage screenshot with inline comments about articles and images is abstracted by Zurb team. They have a free online service to do this job for you.
Visit the and enter the URL you would like to have the screenshot of.
After generating the screenshot of the URL, the website provides you an interface with which you can make inline comments and you can save it online to get a unique URL for your screenshots with comments. This unique URL can be shared with your friends and colleagues over the social networking sites like Facebook, Google+ and even in

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